You’ll find it in our dedicated teachers, instructors, administrators, and support staff who share your commitment to your teen’s success. At the heart of this commitment is a dynamic relationship between our teachers and your teen, and a culture of learning that is transforming education in new and exciting ways.
Blackstone Valley Tech (BVT) is not your typical high school. From the vocational-technical shops to state-of-the-art laboratories and advanced placement courses, our school is home to teachers who creatively share their expertise by integrating classroom learning and real-world, hands-on projects. Understanding that every student learns differently, our teachers take the time to nurture your teen’s interests while teaching them to navigate obstacles, strategically embrace challenges, and celebrate achievements. Students, in turn, have a unique opportunity to explore multiple career paths, hone their skills, and discover their passion and purpose in life.
As a result of BVT's culture of respect and high expectations, your teen will graduate as a confident and empowered young adult — one who has found a voice, charted a course, and is ready to make a mark on the world. Come share the passion, and be part of the BVT family!
BVT has taken my passions and turned them into a reality by enhancing my skills and giving me the tools necessary to becoming a caring, educated, and competent nurse.Samantha Drew, Registered Nurse, St. Camillus Health Center, Class of 2014, PN Class of 2017
As a second generation carpenter, attending BVT along with my three brothers to study carpentry was an easy decision. What I didn’t know then is that I would be back years later as a teacher. I believe in the education that BVT provides and am honored to be part of that today. Paul Savard, Carpentry Instructor at Blackstone Valley Tech, Class of 1993
BVT was the BEST decision that I have ever made. Between the amazing education and the extensive hands-on practical experience in the salon, I had complete confidence immediately pursuing my career out of school. Nicole LaFrance, Hair and Makeup Artist, Owner of LaFrance Glam Artistry, Class of 2010
Part of what makes BVT so engaging is the variety of extracurriculars that they offer. I participate in sports, student council, and many other clubs that have enriched my high school experience and has allowed me to grow as a leader.Sosie Derkosrofian, Health Services, Class of 2025
I always knew I wanted to go into the trades, and now I work at Wayne J. Griffin Electric Inc., as a lead Journeyman Electrician. I help run projects by working hand-in-hand with the foreman and project managers. BVT made it possible for me to strive for excellence academically and vocationally. Matthew Forman, Master Electrician at Wayne J. Griffin Electric Inc., Class of 2008
Automotive Collision has taught me many skills that will help me throughout my life. I have learned problem solving skills along with a good work ethic that I wouldn’t have learned in a traditional school system. The close knit friendships and personal experiences have made me grow as a person and restored my love of learning. Sophie Pigeon, Class of 2018
I chose to attend BVT because I knew I wanted a hands-on learning environment, but I didn’t expect how much I would learn about hard work, professionalism, and life skills. BVT has more than prepared me for my future. Zachary Bergeron, Class of 2018
BVT’s Engineering & Robotics program allowed me to earn scholarships and perform exceptionally in my undergraduate program and internships. PLTW college credit set me up to graduate with a B.S. in Civil Engineering a year early to get started on my career in the construction industry.Zoe Mahoney, Class of 2019, WPI Class of 2022
Through Dental Assisting I have learned the importance of empathy towards those around me, and a desire to brighten another’s day with something as simple as a smile.Julia Tutela, Class of 2018
When I came to BVT I quickly found a home and my voice. It has given me opportunities to grow from a follower to a leader. I am proud to be a member of the Beaver family. Curtis Rondeau, Class of 2024
Automotive Technology has made me a leader and taught me how to work with my hands. When I first came into shop, I didn’t know anything about cars, and now I’m confident in my career and with helping my peers. Morgan O’Brien, Class of 2018
Even though it's cold outside, spring is right around the corner. The white flag is waving as we head into the third trimester and the home stretch of the school year. It's going to be a busy spring with many events to look forward to celebrating before school ends.