Hands & Minds at Work
We take immense pride in our approach to Career Technical Education, which encourages the exploration of rigorous vocational, technical, and academic skills. As vocational directors, nothing is more rewarding than witnessing our students' hands and minds at work in their academic classrooms and vocational shops, developing the skills, confidence, and desire to succeed in their chosen fields.
The strategies and values featured in this blog are based on our industry experiences and observations within our modern vocational shops. There is something exhilarating about seeing our students master the tools of their trade and ultimately find their true passion and purpose in their professional careers. As our students graduate and share their craft and love for their trade, they pass on the foundation for future career success from generation to generation.
The knowledge, skill, and mastery of our BVT-trained tradespeople are awe-inspiring and in demand, serving as a powerful testament to Career Technical Education. But don't just take our word for it — read on!
If you are lucky, you spent time with a grandparent or teacher who took you under their wing and shared their craft and passion for a trade. Whether it was tinkering under the hood of a car, woodworking, photography, cooking, or sewing, their knowledge, skills, and mastery of the tools of their trade were awe-inspiring. We know the memories of that time together are priceless, and what they taught us we hold dear as we cherish the LESSONS FROM THE PAST.