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Information Technology Program

Information Technology

Due to rapid advancements in digital technology, our Information Technology program is quite popular and appeals to the self-directed, detail-oriented student who enjoys logic-based problem-solving. Instructions include computer hardware and software concepts, PC service and maintenance, network design and configuration, web design, python programming, and cybersecurity. Students also build and configure advanced networking systems, servers, and workstations to highlight traditional and cloud-based networking and computer operating systems.

Information Technology Sm
Skills You Will Learn:
  • Computer repair and troubleshooting
  • Programming (python)/Java
  • Network infrastructure design
  • Cybersecurity concepts
  • Web development and design

Hands-on Projects
Gaming Server Build: We have all fired up a computer, set to work checking e-mails, and connected to a website to access information. Ever wondered where this information comes from and how it’s stored? Our Information Technology students can tell you exactly how computers function and how to build one from scratch. As sophomores, students are divided into teams to develop a plan to build and configure a server that fits the needs of an enterprising business. Each group creates a bid that includes compatibility, cost, and functionality considerations before competing against each other for the job. The group with the winning bid gets to lead the project, allowing other classmates to follow their plan to build and configure the server.

Shop Rewire: As the internet and technology are major components of many workplaces, any interruption to the services affects office productivity. Our seniors learn the intricacies of managing a job in an active workplace through the shop rewire project. As a class, the seniors rewire the entire Information Technology shop while minimizing any downtime for the underclassmen in the program. The students estimate the hours needed to accomplish the task and gather the materials and tools needed to complete the work before developing a plan.