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Freshmen Exploratory Rubic

During the first half of the school year, our freshmen are introduced to multiple career pathways by participating in seven different programs. This exploratory experience allows students to develop and revise their career plans, which reflects a personal vision of their future. Exploratory instructors evaluate each student based on the following rubric/scoring guide utilized by all vocational areas. 

Additional language translations of this rubric are available in Spanish and Portuguese.

Grade Calculation Procedures
Students can earn up to 20 points in each of the 5 categories on their Exploratory Evaluation, for a total of up to 100 points per exploratory cycle. The score will reflect how well the student performs based on the standards listed for each category.  

Student Absence During an Exploratory Cycle 
Student absences will affect the student’s exploratory score.    

In the event of a student absence, students are highly encouraged to make up the time/work missed. It is the student’s responsibility to seek out the vocational teacher to arrange for makeup work before the end of the following academic cycle. The teacher shall be responsible for grading and submitting a grade change form to the Vocational Office prior to the end of the next exploratory cycle.    

Grading is based on the first five days of an extended cycle, if one occurs.