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Moonlight Program FAQ

Q:  Is there a minimum age requirement to participate in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Moonlight Program? 
A:  Yes. Anyone 18 years of age and older may participate. 
Q:  Where do I park?
A:  Parking spaces are available around the exterior of the building. Unless otherwise restricted by clearly marked signs, you may park in any available space. Parking in front of any shop door is prohibited.
Q:  Where do I enter the building on the first day of class? 
A:  Enter through the main entrance of the school and look for a staff member of our Moonlight Program or self-directed signage to guide you to class. Please plan to arrive 15 minutes before the start of class.
Q:  Will a refund be issued if I am unable to complete the course? 
A:  Yes. Prorated refunds are calculated on the Base Tuition of $749 using the following schedule:       
  • Before the first day of class (100%)
  • During the first two weeks (70%)      
  • During the third and fourth weeks (30%)
  • After the fourth week, tuition will not be refunded

Q:  Do I need to bring any supplies to class?
A:  Yes, just a few. Please bring pens, pencils, and a notebook. All other supplies and materials are provided at no additional charge.

Note: The Digital Multimeter, safety glasses, project supplies, and materials have been  paid for with your tuition; therefore, it is the student’s responsibility to replace any lost or damaged items.

Q:  What if my class is canceled?
A:  Should a class be canceled due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances; notifications will be posted using the methods described below. Class will be rescheduled for Thursday of that same week, unless other arrangements are made between the instructor and students. When regular day school is canceled due to weather-related conditions or other emergency events, evening classes will automatically be canceled. If regular day school has not been canceled but the weather is deteriorating, evening classes “may” be canceled.

Q:  How will I be notified of the cancelation?
A:  It is the student’s responsibility to stay informed of any class cancelations. To help in that effort, BVT uses the following methods to notify Moonlight students of any class cancellations:

Q:  Will I receive a certificate upon completion of the course?
A:  This is a 15-week course, delivering 45 hours of instruction. BVT does NOT issue college credit or any equivalent. In addition to a certificate of completion, each participant will have the opportunity to sit for the EPA 608 Certification Exam.

Q:  Does my instructor have office hours?
A:  Yes. Our instructor will be available 30 minutes before each class.

Q:  Can I smoke on campus?
A:  No! BVT's campus is smoke-free. This includes the use of all tobacco products within the school building and/or on school grounds.

Q:  Are food or snacks available?
A:  Yes. Students have access to the beverage and snack vending machines outside the cafeteria.

Should you have more questions or need additional assistance, please call our Vocational Office at: 508–529–7758  x3004 or e-mail us at: