Technology at Their Fingertips
Technology has the power to transform the way we live, work, and play, but like many things in life, it is constantly changing. To help our students achieve a school-life balance and stay up-to-date on the latest technology, we've gathered several learning tools and resources they can easily access, whether on campus, at home, or on the go.
Our Laptop Program
Laptops are a necessary learning tool that provides access to curriculum materials, essential resources, schedules, assignments, and student work. That’s why we've implemented a 1:1 Laptop Program that provides all our students with a Dell laptop and charger they can use in their classes and at home to do their assignments. With this opportunity comes the responsibility to keep their school-issued equipment in working order from the start of school as freshmen through the last day of senior year.
Each day, your teen is expected to bring their fully charged laptop to school and use it in all their academic classes and vocational shop, unless advised not to do so, by their teacher. Those students in Advanced Manufacturing & Fabrication, Automotive Technology, Drafting & Design Technology, Electronics & Engineering, Engineering & Robotics, Multimedia Communications, and Painting & Design Technology will use the shop laptops/computers, which have specialized software that can handle those specific shop requirements.
Laptops are only issued after the following documents have been reviewed and signed by a parent/guardian:
Equipment on Loan
If your teen forgets their laptop at home and is needed for an assessment that day, their teacher may send them to our Digital Learning Commons (DLC) to sign out a laptop on loan. Students borrowing a laptop are still responsible for any damage to or loss of that device. All laptops borrowed for the day must be returned to the DLC before dismissal. Failing to return a laptop by the end of the school day, could result in a student losing the privilege of borrowing a laptop or disciplinary action. If there are multiple occurrences of coming to school without one’s laptop, the student will be reported to their Assistant Principal.
Any students who transfer or withdraw must return all school-issued equipment to our DLC on or before their last day at BVT. Failure to turn in a laptop, charger, or other school-issued equipment will result in their parents/guardians being charged the full replacement cost, regardless of insurance. The District may also file a report of stolen property with the Upton Police Department for equipment not returned.