Exploratory Transitions Lunch Group: Would your freshman benefit from additional support during Exploratory? Our Exploratory Transitions Lunch Group addresses questions and concerns that arise throughout the exploratory process. It also helps students identify strategies that may be helpful with transitioning to BVT and building connections with their classmates.
Extended Leave Program: Does your teen need support with transitioning back to school after being absent due to a medical or mental health concern? In this program, the Extended Leave Liaison coordinates with teachers regarding any make-up work and/or accommodations, while also helping students to integrate back into the school day and classroom.
Mindfulness Homeroom: On dedicated dates throughout the school year, all students are invited to attend our Mindfulness Homeroom. On these days, students can sign up to participate in a group mindfulness activity such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing rather than attend their regularly scheduled homeroom.
S.T.A.R.S: Would your teen benefit from developing and refining their social skills? S.T.A.R.S members participate in group activities embedded with opportunities to learn about and practice social skills, such as making introductions, initiating and maintaining conversations, and active listening.
Student Review: Our staff provides support with basic interventions, such as contacting parents/guardians and/or consulting with school counseling if they see warning signs that they are struggling with:
- absences from or frequent leaving of class
- inconsistent or decline in performance
- little observable effort
- difficulties with concentration, anxiety, or low mood
- unprofessional behaviors
- difficulty with social skills
- frequent health complaints
If our staff concerns continue, they will refer your teen to the Student Review Team to help determine what further interventions or support should be put into place.