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Scholarship Application Process

Students should complete the following to-do list when applying for scholarships:
  • Check the Scholarship Course on Canvas weekly for new scholarship opportunities.    
  • Before filling out applications, make a working copy in order to “rough out” responses. Look over the entire application to determine what parts the student must complete.
  • Obtain and keep one to two letters of recommendation available. (Scholarships often require a letter of recommendation). If asking someone for a letter of recommendation, make sure that you give them at least a two-week notice.
  • Use information from Career Enrichment classes to assist your completion of applications.
  • Create a reference list of extra-curricular activities at BVT and in the community in which you have participated.
  • Emphasize any leadership responsibilities that you may have had such as a class officer or a co-captain of a team.
  • Keep a list handy of volunteer activities that you have participated in at BVT and in the community. Scholarship applications often look for commitment in these activities such as, “Every week I volunteer two hours for my town library.”
  • Complete all materials for scholarships neatly, accurately, and on time. Deadlines are important. Keep in mind that if a transcript is needed with the application you need to request this from Guidance at least three business days before the deadline.
  • Check places where you work, your town high school Guidance Department, and any clubs or organizations you belong to for scholarship opportunities.
  • Check and recheck the application for accuracy.
  • Double-check due dates and mailing dates, they can differ from application to application – some are delivered by, some are postmarked by as most applications will not be accepted if not submitted by the correct date.
  • Make a copy of your application and file for safekeeping.
  • Make an appointment with your counselor if you have additional questions.

How Your School Counselor Can Help
During Career Enrichment classes, each counselor will present information on:
  • How to read the scholarship applications, (eligibility criteria, application requirements, deadlines)
  • How to use the Naviance web site to view scholarship opportunities
  • Time management for applying for multiple scholarships
  • If a student has additional questions or needs further explanations, the counselor will be available for an individual appointment. (There are sign up sheets in Student Support Services.)
  • If a student needs a letter of recommendation from his/her counselor, an individual appointment must be scheduled. (The counselor usually needs to ask some questions before writing the letter.) Please request these meetings at least 2 weeks prior to the application deadline date.
How Parents Can Help
  • Discuss with your son/daughter your willingness to help complete applications.
  • Review this scholarships section of the Naviance website with your son/daughter on a regular basis (at least once a week)
  • Help your son/daughter organize scholarship applications by deadlines.
  • Read the application with your son/daughter after it is complete. 
  • Encourage your son/daughter to set up an appointment with his/her counselor to answer any questions that remain AFTER he/she has completed as much as he/she can.
  • Keep copies of applications. (Sometimes different scholarships may ask for the same information).
  • Check your place of employment, and any clubs or organizations where you belong, for additional scholarship opportunities.
  • Check clubs and organizations of other family members (i.e. Grandparents, etc.) 
  • Help your son/daughter manage the time that is necessary to complete the applications to avoid stress.

For more information about scholarship materials, inquiries, and opportunities, contact Jodie Tandy, our Scholarship Coordinator at 508–529–7758  x3041 or