Scholarship Opportunities Await
With the rising cost of continuing education in the trades or college, it’s more important than ever for our students to consider the many opportunities scholarships can provide to advance their careers.
Whether you're thinking of going directly into the workforce, military, or advancing your studies at a technical school or college, scholarships are essentially FREE money to help pay for school. Most scholarships are merit-based and awarded on academic, athletic, and extracurricular performance. Sometimes, they're awarded for simply filling out a form in scholarship sweepstakes.
With so many scholarship opportunities available, we encourage you to explore and apply for scholarships. No matter what your financial or academic situation, you will more than likely appreciate the help and extra support scholarships can give you.
The scholarships featured below are a great place to start! As a senior, you will receive a Canvas invite where the scholarships are posted, along with the application information and deadlines, which can range from fall to spring. Please note that this list of scholarships changes from year to year as new scholarships become available and others are discontinued, so make sure to check Canvas frequently.
Altor Solutions Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to graduates of BVT who plan to continue their education in engineering and/or technical development, preferably welding or electrical.
Andrew Cocaine Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to students who are of good character and have given their time volunteering. Funds are used for tools, books, and/or tuition.
bankHometown Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a student continuing their education to help with tuition, books, or fees. Selection is made by the Scholarship Committee.
BVT Teachers Association Scholarships
This scholarship provides financial assistance to individuals who will either directly enter the workforce and/or pursue post-secondary education. Funds for the purchase of tools or to pay for tuition.
Chad A. Holbrook Memorial Sports Scholarship
Scholarship for unselfish concern for others during 4-year sports participation. Selection is made by the Holbrook family.
Class of 2024 Scholarship
Two scholarships for seniors who plan to further their education or work in their trade of study. The award is based on contributions, involvement, and demonstrated growth at BVT. Funds may be used towards higher education or trade-related tuition, tools, or books. Selection is made by the Scholarship Committee.
Culinary Arts Alumni “Mr. B” Scholarship Fund
A scholarship awarded to a Culinary Arts student furthering their education in the culinary field. Selection is made by the shop team leader.
Dean Bank Scholarship
Scholarship selection is made by the Scholarship Committee based on financial need.
Derek Yancik Memorial Scholarship
In memory of Derek Yancik, HVAC&R instructor who passed away in 2018. Scholarships are awarded to HVAC&R students going directly into the trade. Selection is made by the shop team leader. No application is required.
Fran Dupre Memorial Scholarship
This tool scholarship is open to a senior who is of good character, has solid performance in their chosen field, and will enter directly into the workforce upon graduation. Selection is made by the Dupre family.
Gene Haas Foundation Machining Technology Scholarship
Selection is made by the Advanced Manufacturing & Fabrication team leader. No application is required.
Herman Buma Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded to a Construction Technology student furthering their education at the post-secondary level but does not have to be in the carpentry field. Selection is made by the shop team leader. No application is required.
Homefield Credit Union Scholarship
This scholarship is used towards tuition for a 2- or 4-year school pursuing a major in finance, accounting, or business administration.
Hopedale Foundation Trade Education Scholarships
Six scholarships are awarded to graduating students who are Hopedale residents and plan on furthering their education.
James Brochu Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is open to a graduating senior in good standing from the Electrical program. The award can be utilized toward tuition, books, or tools necessary to advance a career in the field of electricity.
James Franklin Memorial Award
Award for tools to an HVAC&R student who plans to continue in the trade. Selection is made by the shop team leader. No application is required.
James Sochia Memorial Award for Tools
This tool scholarship is for a student in the Automotive Collision Repair & Refinishing program. Selection is made by the shop team leader. No application is required.
James Sochia Memorial Scholarship – Good Citizenship
This scholarship is to be used towards tuition for good citizenship. Selection is made by the Scholarship Committee.
Jason K. Ball Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship for an Advanced Manufacturing & Fabrication student going to college. Selection is made by the shop team leader. No application is required.
Joey Wilson Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a senior from Automotive Collision Repair & Refinishing/Automotive Technology who plans to further their education in a business management program leading to business ownership in an auto body-related field. Selection is made by the shop instructor. No application is required.
Joey Wilson Memorial Scholarship – Grafton Student
This scholarship is awarded to a Grafton student for tuition, tools, or books. Selection is made by the Wilson family.
Joey Wilson Memorial Tool Award
This tool scholarship is awarded to a student in the Automotive Collision Repair & Refinishing/Automotive Technology program with plans on going directly into the workforce. Selection is made by the shop instructor. No application is required.
John Lachapelle Memorial Award
Award to be used to purchase tools for a student who is continuing their education in the automotive technology field. Selection made by the Lachapelle family.
Ken Baker Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a graduating student for tools or tuition. Selection is made by the Scholarship Committee.
Mass Gas Collectors Association/David Millard Memorial Award
This scholarship is awarded to a student in the Automotive Technology program and may be used for tuition or tools needed for the trade. Selection is made by the shop team leader. No application is required.
Mathew L. Fleming Memorial Award
This scholarship is awarded to an Advanced Manufacturing & Fabrication student based on financial need, attitude, work effort, 3-year shop grade average, and attendance. Award to be used for tools or tuition. Selection is made by the shop team leader. No application is required.
Michael Drinkwater Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a Culinary Arts student who plans to continue their post-secondary education in the culinary field.
Michael J. Cammuso. Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to a senior from either the Automotive Collision Repair & Refinishing or Automotive Technology program who shows integrity in their work and personal life. Funds to be used for tuition, books, or tools. Selection is made by the Cammuso family.
Middlesex Savings Charitable Foundation Scholarship
Awarded to a Bellingham student who shows courage and perseverance to improve academically and make positive changes. Funds are used towards a 2- or 4-year school. Selection is made by the Scholarship Committee.
Milford Federal Bank Scholarship
Awarded to a student that shows sound character, involvement in school/outside activities, financial need, and plans to attend a 2- or 4-year school.
NHS/NTHS Scholarships
Four scholarships are awarded to students who are members of the NHS/NTHS. Selection is made by the National Honor Society advisors.
Paul Perreault Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship will be used for tuition, books, or tools necessary for a career in the automotive technology field.
Rita D. Skinner Memorial Scholarship
This award is for a student who is pursuing a career as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT/EMT Management) or a career in nursing. Preference is given to a student who is a Douglas resident.
Tattersall Machining Scholarship
This award will be made to students who are entering the workforce, an apprenticeship, or attending an accredited vocational/technical program, preferably in a Machining Technology discipline, but is not required.
Timothy J. Yacino, Sr. Memorial Award
This scholarship is awarded to a student from the Automotive Technology program and may be used for tuition, books, or tools needed for the trade. Selection is made by the shop team leader. No application is required.
UniBank Scholarship – Corporal John Dawson
This scholarship honors U.S. Army Corporal John Dawson to support the future endeavors of an exceptional student graduating from the Electrical program. Selection is made by the Scholarship Committee.
UniBank Scholarship – General
This scholarship supports the future endeavors of exceptional students deserving by character, school or community activities, financial need, and academic performance. Selection is made by the Scholarship Committee.
Valley Tech Education Foundation
Scholarships are awarded to seniors, and funds are used towards tuition or tools. Selection is made by the Scholarship Committee.
A James Lavoie Scholarship – Middlesex Bank
This essay scholarship is awarded to a graduating student who plans on attending a four-year college.
Access Bellingham – Mendon, Inc.
This scholarship is awarded to students residing in either Mendon or Bellingham, who have an interest in Mass Communications.
American Legion Auxiliary Post 92
Awarded to students from Grafton who must be a daughter, granddaughter, son, or grandson of a current or deceased veteran.
Bellingham Business Association Scholarship
Awarded to a graduating senior from Bellingham who is accepted to a college or junior college.
Bellingham Lions Club Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to a graduating senior from Bellingham.
Blackstone Lions Club Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to students who live in Blackstone or Millville, furthering their education.
Blackstone Valley Rotary Club
Awarded to a Douglas, Northbridge, or Uxbridge senior who plans to attend a 2- or 4-year college or accredited technical school.
Clarice Daniels Southwick Memorial Scholarship
This award is chosen by lottery for a graduating senior from Millville.
Dennis Ceruti Scholarship – Presented by MUYSA
This scholarship awards two graduating seniors (one male and one female) who plan to continue their education at an academic
institution or trade school.
First Unitarian Society of Upton Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior from Upton continuing their education.
Friends of Mendon Elders
This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior in appreciation for volunteering their time at the Mendon Senior Center.
George L. Wood Upton VFW Post #5594 Scholarship
Scholarship awarded to an Upton resident.
Grafton Lions Club
This scholarship is awarded to a Grafton resident who has made a positive impact in the Town of Grafton.
Greenleaf Garden Club of Milford
Awarded to a graduating student who is continuing their education at an accredited college in a field related to horticulture, the environment, or agriculture.
Harold Mayer Memorial & Charles Hurley Memorial Award-Grafton
Awarded to a Grafton senior who will be attending a 2 or more year accredited college.
John Eldridge Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to a student at BVT or BMR who has demonstrated community service and is interested in a culinary-related career or has public service aspirations.
Marcelyn Karagosian Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded to two graduating seniors who plan to pursue a career in the medical field.
Mendham Brush Association – Elden H. Barrows Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to two graduating male students from Mendon.
Mendon Lions Club
Scholarships are awarded to Mendon or Upton residents who are also members of the BVT Leo Club.
Milford Rotary Club Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a senior who achieves academically while also demonstrating service to one’s community.
Millbury Dollars for Scholars
Scholarships are awarded to a senior who resides in Millbury.
Millbury National Bank Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a senior furthering their education.
Nipmuc Youth Baseball – Christopher DiLorenzo Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a Mendon or Upton resident who participated in Nipmuc Youth Baseball. The student must be pursuing a degree or certificate at a 2- or 4-year institution.
Nipmuc Youth Field Hockey Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a Mendon or Upton resident who participated in the Nipmuc Youth Field Hockey program.
Northbridge Youth Basketball Association Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a student from Northbridge who has participated in the youth basketball program.
Olive Branch Lodge Masonic Awareness Scholarship
Scholarships are awarded to deserving graduating students.
Rockland Trust Scholarship
This scholarship program offers up to sixteen scholarships of $3,000 each. Awards are renewable for up to three years or until a bachelor's degree is earned. Applicants must enroll at an accredited two- or four-year college, university, or vocational-technical school.
Rotary Club of Milford Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a student who has demonstrated service to their community and outstanding academic achievement.
St. Gabriel’s Catholic Women’s Club
This scholarship is awarded to a senior planning to further their education who is a member of St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish.
Stony Brook Camera Club Scholarship
The Stony Brook Camera Club awards up to three scholarships to a student planning to pursue photography.
Sutton Lions Club
Scholarships are granted based on academic standing and humanitarian spirit. The applicant must be a Sutton resident.
Thimble Pleasures Quilt Guild of Mendon
This scholarship is awarded to a student who plans to study Visual Arts and/or Design in college.
Town of Upton-Board of Selectmen
This scholarship is awarded to a Upton senior who plans to further their education.
Unitarian Universalist Society of Grafton & Upton
In memory of the First Unitarian Society of Upton, this scholarship is awarded to a Upton student continuing their education.
Upton Bloomer Girls Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a graduating Upton resident or a child/grandchild of a current Upton Bloomer Girl member.
Upton Fire & EMS Scholarship
Scholarship awarded to a Upton resident who is pursuing a career in a field related to the “care of others.”
Upton Men’s Club Scholarship
The scholarship will be awarded to a Upton resident pursuing higher education at an accredited school.
Upton Police Association Scholarship
Scholarship awarded to a Upton resident or a student majoring in criminal justice is preferred.
U.S. Veterans Motorcycle Club MA Scholarship
Awarded to a student who is a relative of an active or honorably discharged military member or a relative of a member of the U.S. Veterans Motorcycle Club in good standing.
Uxbridge Dollars for Scholars - Forest & Caroline Andrews Scholarship
Several scholarships are awarded to students who live in Uxbridge.
Virginia Blanchard Memorial Scholarship
Scholarships are awarded to Uxbridge students who plan to pursue a degree in the field of education.
Yvette Manosh Memorial Scholarship
Award for a Northbridge resident or any BVT student who has demonstrated financial need and will be attending college.
Barbara J. Sinnott Scholarship – Students of Integrity
This scholarship is awarded to graduating students who demonstrate commitment to the ideals of the Better Business Bureau and reside in
a community that the BBB of Central New England serves.
Coca-Cola Scholars
Awarded to students who are active in school and community activities.
DAR Scholarships
The Daughters of the American Revolution and the American Indians committee offer several scholarship opportunities.
Garden Club Federation of Mass Scholarship
Offered to students who will be attending an accredited college or university majoring in horticulture, floriculture, landscape design, conservation, city planning, biology, botany, or environmental studies.
Greater Worcester Community Foundation Scholarships
Over 130 scholarships are available to students who live in Worcester County. Applicants submit one application and are considered for every scholarship for which they are eligible.
Hanover Community Scholarship
Applicants must plan to attend an accredited, degree-granting, 2- or 4-year college.
Henry David Thoreau Foundation
Scholarships are awarded to ten top-ranking high school seniors from Massachusetts who demonstrate the potential for environmental leadership and intend to pursue environmental studies in college.
Mark Bavis Leadership Foundation Scholarship
The scholarship is awarded to a Massachusetts high school student on the basis of need, not academically based.
Massachusetts AFL-CIO Scholarship
Awards students financial resources pursuing trade union programs or college/university studies. To qualify, a student must take an exam.
Massachusetts Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarship
Awarded to students who have a 3.0 GPA or higher and have been accepted, or plan to attend an institution of higher learning.
Massachusetts JCI Senate of MA
Awarded to two Massachusetts seniors who plan to continue their studies at a post-secondary college, university, or vocational school.
The Terry Shannon Memorial Scholarship-Central MA Track & Field Officials Association
This scholarship is for District E athletes.
The Trane Technician of the Future Scholarship
This scholarship provides essential financial support for aspiring HVAC or control technicians launching their careers.
Seniors, it's a great time to seek opportunities to earn FREE scholarship money toward tools, tuition, or other essential items. Take part in our Scholarship Support Day on Monday, February 24th during Career Enrichment. Our school counselors will share tips and strategies to get you organized as you finalize your post-BVT career plans.
For more information on our scholarship materials, inquiries, and opportunities, contact Jodie Tandy, our Scholarship Coordinator, at 508–529–7758 x3041 or
Download a copy of our scholarship list and start applying for the wealth of opportunities to advance your career.