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Title I Educational Support Services

As a parent or guardian, you want the very best for your teen. As your partner in education, BVT is dedicated to preparing your teen for life beyond their high school experience. With that in mind, it is critical that each learner build an academic foundation in reading, math, and science. Because our student body comes from 13 communities, it is necessary to assess the knowledge-base of each learner and provide appropriate support services to ensure lifelong learning is achieved.
If the results of your teen's initial placement exam indicate the need to strengthen specific reading skills, no worries. Our District provides a reading comprehension [elective] course to strengthen those skills through funding provided by the Title I Grant.
What is Title I?
Title I (Part A) of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act provides financial assistance to districts and schools to help ensure all students meet challenging state academic standards. Funding is based on the number of children in families with low incomes.

At BVT, Title I funds are targeted to support students in reading and mathematics. Our school serves learners from our 13-town regional school district in Grades 9 through 12. Upon acceptance, each student is required to take the High School Placement Exam. Those results determine if any extra support is needed to help students meet minimum learning standards that are required to be successful in our academic and vocational subjects.

What are the Objectives of Title I?
  1. Strengthen core programs and provide academic and/or support services to students that require remedial support as determined by test scores or referral;
  2. Provide evidence-based programs that enable participating students to achieve the learning standards of the state curriculum frameworks;
  3. Elevate the quality of instruction by providing eligible staff with substantial opportunities for professional development; and,
  4. Involve parents/guardians as active partners in their teen's education at school through open, meaningful communication, training, and inclusion in the decision making processes.
What Services are Provided in the Title I Budget?
Due to limited funding, the District targets available grant resources to the Title I Learning Lab and two paraprofessionals. Any remaining funds are used in conjunction with the Wilson Reading Program, literary courses, and professional development opportunities.

How Does BVT Qualify for Title I Funding?
BVT receives Title I funding based on the combined federal population and poverty census data¹ of our 13 member towns.  

If you have questions or concerns about the results of your teen's exam or want more information about our Title I program and services, schedule an appointment with Kate Brooks, our Title I Director, call: 508-529-7758  x2536 or e-mail:

¹ Please note that the federal poverty calculations differ from the Massachusetts Economically Disadvantaged definition which uses student participation in one or more of the following state-administered programs: The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Transitional Assistance for Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC), the Department of Children and Families' Foster Care Program, and MassHealth (Medicaid). FY2020 Title I allocations are based on the 2017 federal census estimates of poverty and non-Census data on families above poverty assistance under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program.