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Online Letterhead Edward Evans III

January 2025

Dear BVT Families,
This letter aims to provide information regarding the impact of the November 2024 Vote on the administration of MCAS exams at BVT this upcoming spring. 

What Will Change?
  • A student’s MCAS score on any of the MCAS exams will not impact a student’s eligibility to graduate from BVT. 
  • All competency determination and graduation-related requirements are now exclusively a local matter. The pre-existing graduation requirements on page sixteen (16) of the 2024-2025 Student Handbook are aligned with the new competency determination standards.
What Won’t Change?
  • BVT, as a District, is still obligated by state and federal law to administer all MCAS exams (English Language Arts, Math, and Science) to all eligible testers:

      •  Sophomores will take the English Language Arts MCAS in March.
      •  Sophomores will take the Mathematics MCAS, in May.
      •  Sophomores who did not take the Science MCAS in 2024, will take it In June.
      •  Freshmen enrolled in an Honors Science course will take it In June.

  • MCAS student achievement, growth, and participation will continue to be evaluated and rated through the state’s accountability system for all school districts.
  • We will still provide students with thoughtful and purposeful MCAS preparation and administration, which is designed to maximize the possibility of success for all testers.
  • Scholarship and award programs through the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, such as the John and Abigail Adams Scholarship, the Koplik Certificate of Mastery Award, and the State Seal of Biliteracy, will still be connected to a student’s MCAS achievement.

In summary, whereas a student’s individual MCAS results will not impact their graduation eligibility, the test day experience will remain unchanged. We will administer the exams with the same level of professionalism that we’ve been doing for 20+ years. 

Later in January, we’ll send the annual MCAS logistics e-mail to students and their families with information about dates, test day experience, preparation opportunities, and other associated notes. If you have any questions about the administration of the MCAS, don’t hesitate to contact me at or 508–529–7758  x3011.

Edward Evans, III
Academic Curriculum Coordinator