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Community Projects

Whether it’s reconstructing a playground, creating a sign for your business, or remodeling a public building or local landmark, we believe giving back is a great way to bring about change and help make a difference in the communities that support our students.

Submit Your Project Request
We take great pride in being a valuable community resource. We accept work requests from members of non-profit agencies, municipalities, and residents of our 13 sending communities. 

When requesting work, please remember that BVT is not a private business; it’s a school where learning is our primary mission. As such, we reserve the right to refuse or cancel any request that does not further our school’s educational mission or conflicts with our school’s philosophy.

  • A program may undertake projects out of chronological order if the scope of the project is determined to be better suited to students’ learning needs at the time.
  • The school will give preference to municipalities and non-profit agencies that have yet to request prior projects within a calendar year.
  • The school will reject requests from individuals or groups who have previously failed to pay or have been deemed a potential security or safety risk to students or staff.

Please keep in mind that all projects are reviewed and selected based on relevance to the curriculum, available school resources, and the district calendar. Projects are accepted and completed between September 1st and April 30th of each school year. If you submit a project request from May 1st through August 31st, it will be assigned and processed at the beginning of the next school year.