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Class of 2024: Share Your Career Plan with Us

A year ago, you were moving quickly through your senior year, eagerly awaiting graduation day. Since then, you've received your diploma, joined our extensive community of alums, and had to make some big decisions. Have you confidently taken the next step toward achieving a future career goal, or are you uncertain and need more time to decide where you want to take your talents? We’re curious to know where your career plans are taking you.

We Need Your Help
While the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education requires us to collect one-year follow-up data on our graduates, we're genuinely interested in learning more about your post-graduation decisions, current endeavors, and what's next. To help us collect data about the Class of 2024 and your career plan thus far, please complete the 1-Year Graduate Survey below by Wednesday, February 19th.

We use the survey information to establish a class profile, assess our strengths and weaknesses, determine how our academic and vocational programming serves our students, and identify areas for improvement. Your help maintaining an award-winning career technical school system is invaluable and greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions or concerns about this survey, please contact Alumni Services at

1-Year Graduate Survey


Your Namerequired
First Name
Maiden (optional)
Last Name
After graduating from BVT, did you further your education?required
What type of education are you pursuing?requiredCheck all that apply.
Check all that apply.
Are you attending full-time or part-time?required
Is your program of study related to the career technical training you received at BVT?required
Are you currently in the military?required
Which branch are you in?required
Is your military experience related to the career technical training you received at BVT?required
Do you plan to use your military service to help finance your post-secondary education?
Are you currently working?required
Do you work full-time or part-time?required
Is your employment related to the career technical training you received at BVT?required
Do you plan to use your employment to help finance your post-secondary education?