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Invitation for Bid #2024-01 – Storefront Demolition & Masonry Repairs

The Blackstone Valley Vocational Regional School District (BVT) is soliciting bids for BVT Job No. 2024-01 Storefront Demolition & Masonry Repairs. Sealed bids will be received by the Business Office at Blackstone Valley Vocational Regional School District, 65 Pleasant Street, Upton, MA 01568 on or before 10:00 a.m., on Wednesday, December 18th, at which time they will be publicly opened and read out loud in the Superintendent’s conference room.

General Bid Opening – WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18th at 10:00 a.m.
The project consists of, but is not limited to, the complete demolition and removal of the existing storefront, including framing and glazing; infill of the storefront area with brick and reinforced CMU with a cold joint to integrate with the existing facade; installation of structural tie-backs to secure the new infill wall to the existing steel roof framing, in compliance with structural codes; creation of two masonry openings in the infill wall for walk-in cooler doors, precisely coordinated per specifications; waterproofing of all roof and wall joints to prevent water ingress at cooler locations; provision and installation of a structural concrete slab to support the walk-in cooler; installation of structural lintels above the cooler openings, sized per project standards; and restoration of all finishes affected by the work, including acoustical ceiling tile, wall tile, and flooring, to match existing conditions, in addition to all other work noted in the specifications and drawings. All Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing (MEP), and Fire Alarm (FA) systems work will be completed by Blackstone Valley Tech.

Mandatory Pre-Bid
A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held for all interested bidders, on Wednesday, December 4th at 10:00 a.m. at Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School located at 65 Pleasant Street, Upton, MA 01568. All visitors must check in at the front entrance kiosk. Failure to attend or visit the premises shall be no defense in failure to perform contract terms.

Contract Documents, including the Information for Bidders, Form of Bid, Form of Contract, Specifications, and other Contract Documents, may be obtained on or after Wednesday, November 20th, at no cost, through Public Purchase, a web based e-Procurement service. Enrollment and access can be accomplished in two ways:

  • Via the BVT website (Click: About – District – Invitation to Bid – Storefront Demolition & Masonry Repairs, then the link for “Public Purchase”) or
  • Via the Public Purchase website (Click “live chat” for assistance.)

Questions concerning the e-Procurement system may be directed to: 
Derek Dauphinee
Property & Asset Project Manager
508–529–7758  x3501

If, at the time of the scheduled bid opening, BVT is closed due to uncontrolled events such as fire, snow, ice, wind, or building evacuation, the bid opening will be postponed to the same time on the next normal business day.

Proposals must include ALL DOCUMENTS required by the Invitation for Bid. The Blackstone Valley Vocational Regional District School Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, in part or in whole, at their sole discretion. The decision of the School Committee shall be final and binding on all bidders without recourse.